Good to be back after a couple of weeks on vacation. It looks like the market is attempting a rally. We'll see how it goes. From Schwab, good points on how to (not) waste your money. 10 Easy Ways to Waste Your Money Note: If you haven't voted in the mid-term elections, you should. Advice received from one of my financial advisor sources, Gary Halbert . Two months ago, it looked like the Democrats would retake majority control of the House in a so-called “Blue Wave .” They only need to pick-off 23 Republican seats to do so. As I wrote in my Blog on September 27, presidents with an approval rating below 50% lose an average of 37 seats in the House in midterm elections. The Dems were looking very good. But then came the embarrassing fiasco of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination. The Democrats went way over the top in trying to defeat Judge Kavanaugh, made a spectacle of themselves on national TV and changed the whole elec...