Good article released today from Schwab. I'll summarize first, then provide the link to the entire article. 1. You don't need a budget. Yes you do. I've been doing a monthly budget since 1985. 2. An emergency won't happen to me. Hey, stuff happens. Have an emergency fund. 3. If I'm short on cash, I can always use credit. This will get you in trouble. 4. Retirement is a long way off. It comes quicker than you'd expect. Time is your greatest asset, so start early. 5. I can live without insurance. Not really. But don't go crazy either. For example, whole life insurance policies are expensive. Use term insurance and invest the difference. 6. I've got a sixth sense about investing. If you do, pass it to me please. 7. I should take Social Security as soon as I can. Well, this depends, but the longer you wait, the higher the benefit. 8. Estate planning is only for the wealthy. Sure, if you want what you own to end up in probate. Not...